ROMAN Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS)


Operational References (under context roman_0061.pmap)


roman_wfi_0059.imap      Toggle N/A

area ---- Area

dark ---- Dark

distortion ---- Distortion

flat ---- Flat Field

gain ---- Gain image

inverselinearity ---- Inverse Linearity

ipc ---- Interpixel Capacitance

linearity ---- Linearity coefficients

mask ---- Bad Pixel Mask

pars-assignwcsstep ---- AssignWcsStep runtime parameters

pars-darkcurrentstep ---- DarkCurrentStep runtime parameters

pars-dqinitstep ---- DQInitStep runtime parameters

pars-exposurepipeline ---- Step parameters for ExposurePipeline

pars-flatfieldstep ---- FlatFieldStep runtime parameters

pars-fluxstep ---- FluxStep runtime parameters

pars-highlevelpipeline ---- Step parameters for HighLevelPipeline

pars-jumpstep ---- JumpStep runtime parameters

pars-linearitystep ---- LinearityStep runtime parameters

pars-outlierdetectionstep ---- OutlierDetectionStep runtime parameters

pars-photomstep ---- PhotomStep runtime parameters

pars-rampfitstep ---- RampFitStep runtime parameters

pars-refpixstep ---- RefPixStep runtime parameters

pars-resamplestep ---- ResampleStep runtime parameters

pars-saturationstep ---- SaturationStep runtime parameters

pars-skymatchstep ---- SkyMatchStep runtime parameters

pars-sourcedetectionstep ---- SourceDetectionStep runtime parameters

pars-tweakregstep ---- TweakRegStep runtime parameters

photom ---- Photom

readnoise ---- Read Noise

refpix ---- Reference Pixels

saturation ---- Saturation Threshhold

Context History (more history, all contexts)

Start Date Context Status Description
2024-06-14 roman_0061.pmap operational Previous versions of the distortion reference files contained an error in the translation of the 2D polynomial coefficients from the SIAF format to the astropy model format used in the distortion reference file. This delivery corrects that translation error for all WFI detectors and filters.
2024-05-22 roman_0060.pmap archived Initial empty rmaps for roman WFI parameter reference types.
2024-05-15 roman_0059.pmap archived Delivering a new Roman imap and pmap to encompass changes in which entries for parameter reference types were added and set to NA in the imap.
2024-05-01 roman_0058.pmap archived Delivering new 16 resultant dark reference files for MA Table 110 for DMS testing.