ROMAN Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS)



The term "operational" has changed to "latest" when referring to the newest CRDS Context available. For more information, please refer to the user guide.

Documentation updates are ongoing. If something in the user guide is ambiguous, please reach out to the CRDS team or file a help desk ticket.


Latest References (under context roman_0081.pmap)


roman_wfi_0079.imap      Toggle N/A

abvegaoffset ---- AB-Vega Magnitude Offset

apcorr ---- Aperture Correction

area ---- Area

dark ---- Dark

distortion ---- Distortion

epsf ---- Empirical Point Spread Function

flat ---- Flat Field

gain ---- Gain image

inverselinearity ---- Inverse Linearity

ipc ---- Interpixel Capacitance

linearity ---- Linearity coefficients

mask ---- Bad Pixel Mask

pars-assignwcsstep ---- AssignWcsStep runtime parameters

pars-darkcurrentstep ---- DarkCurrentStep runtime parameters

pars-dqinitstep ---- DQInitStep runtime parameters

pars-exposurepipeline ---- Step parameters for ExposurePipeline

pars-flatfieldstep ---- FlatFieldStep runtime parameters

pars-fluxstep ---- FluxStep runtime parameters

pars-highlevelpipeline ---- Step parameters for HighLevelPipeline

pars-jumpstep ---- JumpStep runtime parameters

pars-linearitystep ---- LinearityStep runtime parameters

pars-outlierdetectionstep ---- OutlierDetectionStep runtime parameters

pars-photomstep ---- PhotomStep runtime parameters

pars-rampfitstep ---- RampFitStep runtime parameters

pars-refpixstep ---- RefPixStep runtime parameters

pars-resamplestep ---- ResampleStep runtime parameters

pars-saturationstep ---- SaturationStep runtime parameters

pars-skymatchstep ---- SkyMatchStep runtime parameters

pars-sourcedetectionstep ---- SourceDetectionStep runtime parameters

pars-tweakregstep ---- TweakRegStep runtime parameters

photom ---- Photom

readnoise ---- Read Noise

refpix ---- Reference Pixels

saturation ---- Saturation Threshhold

skycells ---- Skycells covering entire celestial sphere

Context History (more history, all contextsbuild contexts)

Start Date Context Status Description
2025-03-17 roman_0081.pmap latest This is the updated sky cell map with the proper transformations and useafter and other meta necessary to ingest the file.
2025-03-17 roman_0080.pmap archived Duplicate file with old meta data was included in delivery.
2025-03-17 roman_0079.pmap archived This is the updated skycell reference file for the Roman Telescope adopting a tessellation scheme of the celestial sphere to obtain mosaics stored in the Roman archive. This tessellation partitions the sphere in 4058 sky tiles whose centers and limits in declination are defined by a Healpix double tessellation scheme with N side equal to 13. See Roman-STScI-000708 technical report from D. Radda et al entitled The Roman tessellation of the celestial sphere.
2025-03-13 roman_0078.pmap archived Simulated point spread functions PSFs made using stpsf version The PSFs are stored in a dimensional array corresponding to focus spectral type grid position y x where the focus is the number of defocus waves in stpsf or or and corresponds to in focus spectral type is in order of A V G V and M V and grid position is an index related to the meta pixel x and meta pixel y values in the file metadata